Samba and Girl Power
/"I can't understand why men make all this fuss about Everest...
It's only a mountain"
~ Junko Tabei
The first time I read this quote, it truly made me laugh. I like Tabei's sense of humor. And of course, she can brag about it too... she was not only the first woman to reach the summit of Mt. Everest but the first woman to have achieved the summits of the highest peaks on all seven continents!
I don't know much about her, but by this quote and by what she has achieved in life, I think of her as confident, strong, determined, and an empowered woman.
A woman that can kick it, if you know what I mean. The kind of woman I want to be when I grow up.
Empowerment is something we all hold within. Many times it lies hidden until we realize just how to claim it and let it guide us to climb our own mountains.
They say that to women, empowerment may not feel as natural as it does to men. I doubt this statement to be accurate. I know many men who also struggle with self-confidence. But women have many times been portrayed in the media as weak and submissive.
I confess, I have been in situations where I felt powerless, but I knew I was worth it. One of the biggest teachers of empowerment has been my dance, active lifestyle and fitness. That's why I think it is so important for all women to live an active lifestyle.
By being active, I have learned just how strong my female body is. Strength training actually shows us that our body is strong and can fight back when called upon.
Through my Samba and dance practice I have learned about the beauty of confidence. Lifting, twisting and holding my body in the most complex positions shows me that by believing, I can try anything and have the confidence to do it. It may take a few tries, but I never let myself give up.
When walking and running, I have learned just how much endurance and mental toughness I have. When our body requires us to keep pushing through more miles, it takes a lot of inner strength to keep telling ourselves that we can do it.
And that's why I believe in this active, dance and Samba lifestyle so much. Not only being active is great for the body physically, but it is just as important for our sense of self-worth and our mental wellness.
photo by Gary Cartzdanfer
Ps. Girl power is a fantastic thing but then so is boy power. The sweet kind of power I am talking about here...The power to believe in ourselves and to go for our dreams!